Machine learn­ing word breaks!

We host here a web­ser­vice that out­puts ap­pro­pri­ate break points (either soft-hyphen or zero-width soft breaks) de­pen­d­ing on that lan­guage prac­tice. For now we sup­port Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali and English. This will be quite use­ful for e­book de­liv­e­ries and for usu­al type­set­ting ap­pli­ca­ti­ons such as InDesign, XeTeX etc. Support for Malayalam and Bengali is com­ing soon.

We also pro­vide a type­set­ting ap­pli­ca­tion on the web, just to see how it works, but we do not en­vis­age it to re­place real type­set­ting ap­pli­ca­ti­ons like InDesign or XeTeX.

Pagination re­gards ev­ery dou­ble line-break (obtained by press­ing "Enter" key) as a para­graph. If you pre­fix an "#" at the start of a para then it is re­garded as the ti­tle of the ar­ti­cle. "##" as sec­tion head­ing lev­el 1, "###" as lev­el 2 etc. We use Markdown syn­tax as sup­ported by Showdown. Additionally, en­clos­ing par­a­g­raphs with­in sep­a­rate mark­er lines "_1" and "_" in­di­cate column-spanning (for two-column layout) of those par­a­g­raphs. Images can be cut and pasted in the ed­i­t­able pag­i­na­tion out­put win­dow where­in key­board short-cuts can be used for for­mat­ting text, i.e., ctrl+b for bold, ctrl+i for ital­ic (cmd+b,cmd+i for Mac users).

Mathematics is also sup­ported as LaTeX through KaTeX. Please en­close dis­play maths with­in dou­ble dol­lar sign and in­line in sin­gle dol­lar sign. Tables are also sup­ported through Showdown sim­ple mark­up that uses pipes to in­di­cate columns.

You can also embed video HTML code in the markdown input using iframe elements and it would come out fine in HTML, but as yet it cannot be embedded into print output (although nothing is impossible!).